Many of our companies are now working remotely, which poses some threats to IT (Information Technology) security. Home networks are generally not as secure as our offices, so here are a couple of tips to help boost security during this crisis:
Shut it Down
After your workday is complete, make sure to turn off your work computer instead of letting it idle. This helps safeguard against viruses that continue processing during sleep mode and infecting your computer.
Prepare for Bandwith Issues
Due to the high influx of users on conference calls, online meeting platforms may begin to malfunction. Also, prepare for a lag in internet speeds. Start meetings with a heads up to your team, sit as close to your routers as possible or plug in directly. When in doubt record meetings directly to your computer and not the cloud.
If you want to test your network connection because you are experiencing slow connectivity visit and hit GO! Your connection should be above 50mb per second download and at least 20mb upload for a reliable connection.
Don’t Use Strange Wifi
Refrain from using any Wifi networks you’re unfamiliar with. No bumming off Joe Schmo’s unlocked network next door, or Starbuck’s “free with coffee” Wifi from your car. These public networks are easy to hack and can put your computer at risk.
Spam, Hackers, and Scammers – Beware!
With teams transitioning to working remotely, scammers have been making adjustments as well. There has been an increase in sophisticated spam emails, disguising themselves as fellow coworkers and clients.
Remember to ALWAYS check the domain of the email sender to verify identity. The display name can say from “Katy Trienfenbach” but the domain could say When in doubt, call the person in question before sending any personal information, clicking a link or downloading files.
Other examples of malicious spam emails may include:
- “You have a voicemail waiting for your approval”
- “You are reaching your Microsoft Mailbox capacity”
- “Your computer has a virus!”
- COVID-19 emergency emails
- Emails warning a payment did not go through or the status of payment has changed
Make sure your team knows these safety guidelines and reports any suspicious activity to your IT team immediately.
Additional Reference: Prepare Now for the Second Wave of Coronavirus Hacking