Touchland created hydrating, fast-absorbing, non-sticky, lightly scented hand sanitizer mists. They’re a female-led brand of innovators offering creative personal care solutions to better your every day.
“Hand sanitizer has been a majorly overlooked aspect of the beauty industry. We’re helping it have its moment.” — Andrea Lisbona, Founder & CEO of Touchland.
It all started in 2010 in Barcelona when Andrea Lisbona, our founder & CEO, decided to revolutionize the commoditized industry of hand sanitizers. She decided to take hand hygiene to a whole new level with a visionary team that had a sixth-sense for what was needed.
In 2017, we decided to cross the ocean and take over the world from United States market while partnering with Zobele, a multinational manufacturing company as a strategic partner for our growth.
We are game-changers. We believe hand hygiene should be fun, convenient, cool & pleasing.
That’s why we challenged ourselves to create solutions that redefine the way you take care of your health. We believe that our solutions should be not only fill a void; they should also bring you joy & improve your life.